50+ God Is Great, God Is Good Prayers

Welcome to this moment of prayer where we come together to celebrate and reflect on the profound truth that God is Great, God is Good Prayer. As we gather in this sacred space, let us acknowledge the purpose of our prayer: to offer our gratitude, seek guidance, and express our reverence for the divine.

In this prayer, we aim to set a tone of deep appreciation and humility, recognizing the immense greatness of God and the boundless goodness that flows from Him. God is great, a force of power and majesty beyond our comprehension, who governs the universe with wisdom and love. God is good, a source of unwavering kindness and compassion that nurtures and sustains us. As we embark on this spiritual journey, let us open our hearts with gratitude and reverence, embracing the profound truths of God’s nature and His presence in our lives.

Best God Is Great, God Is Good Prayers

God Is Great, God Is Good Prayer

God Is Great, God Is Good Prayers

  1. Gratitude for Creation
    • Thank You, Lord, for the magnificent beauty of creation, which reflects Your greatness and goodness. Help us to appreciate and care for the world You have made.
  2. Request for Strength
    • Heavenly Father, we acknowledge Your greatness in providing us with the strength to face challenges. Grant us courage and resilience in times of difficulty.
  3. Praise for Provision
    • We praise You, Lord, for Your generous provision in our lives. Your goodness ensures that we are never without what we need.
  4. Seeking Guidance
    • Lord, guide us with Your wisdom. Your greatness is evident in Your perfect plans, and we seek Your direction in our lives.
  5. Thankfulness for Mercy
    • We are grateful for Your endless mercy, O God. Your goodness forgives our transgressions and renews our hearts.
  6. Prayer for Peace
    • God of Peace, we seek Your tranquility in our lives. Your greatness brings calm to the storm, and Your goodness brings comfort in times of unrest.
  7. Celebrating Salvation
    • We celebrate the gift of salvation through Your great love and goodness. Thank You for redeeming us and giving us eternal hope.
  8. Intercession for Others
    • Lord, we intercede for those in need, asking for Your great intervention and goodness to bring healing and hope to their lives.
  9. Praise for Guidance
    • We praise You for the guidance You provide, reflecting Your great wisdom and goodness in leading us on the right path.
  10. Thanksgiving for Family
    • Thank You, God, for our families. Your greatness is seen in the love and support we share, and Your goodness is felt in our bonds.
  11. Prayer for Wisdom
    • Lord, grant us wisdom and discernment. Your greatness is reflected in Your infinite understanding, and Your goodness guides us toward truth.
  12. Gratitude for Protection
    • We are grateful for Your protection, Lord. Your greatness shields us from harm, and Your goodness ensures our safety.
  13. Request for Forgiveness
    • Heavenly Father, we seek Your forgiveness for our sins. Your greatness in grace and Your goodness in mercy restore us to righteousness.
  14. Prayer for Health
    • Lord, we ask for Your healing touch. Your greatness is seen in the restoration of our health, and Your goodness provides comfort in illness.
  15. Celebrating Your Faithfulness
    • We celebrate Your faithfulness, God. Your greatness is unwavering, and Your goodness is evident in Your promises kept.
  16. Thanksgiving for Friends
    • Thank You for the gift of friendship, Lord. Your greatness is reflected in the relationships we cherish, and Your goodness is felt in the joy of companionship.
  17. Prayer for Patience
    • Lord, grant us patience. Your greatness is in Your perfect timing, and Your goodness provides the grace to wait with hope.
  18. Intercession for Leaders
    • We pray for our leaders, asking for Your great wisdom and goodness to guide their decisions for the betterment of all.
  19. Praise for Hope
    • We praise You for the hope You provide. Your greatness is in the promises of a bright future, and Your goodness fills our hearts with assurance.
  20. Thankfulness for Daily Bread
    • Thank You, Lord, for providing our daily needs. Your greatness ensures our sustenance, and Your goodness fills our hearts with gratitude.
  21. Prayer for Courage
    • Heavenly Father, grant us courage to face our fears. Your greatness is in Your power, and Your goodness gives us strength.
  22. Request for Unity
    • Lord, we seek unity among us. Your greatness is seen in our shared purpose, and Your goodness fosters love and harmony.
  23. Gratitude for New Beginnings
    • Thank You for new beginnings, O God. Your greatness is in the opportunities You provide, and Your goodness guides us as we start afresh.
  24. Prayer for Safety
    • We pray for safety, Lord. Your greatness is in Your protection, and Your goodness ensures our well-being.
  25. Intercession for the Poor
    • We intercede for the poor and marginalized, asking for Your great provision and goodness to lift them from their struggles.
  26. Praise for Creativity
    • We praise You for the gift of creativity. Your greatness is reflected in the diverse talents and abilities You bestow, and Your goodness inspires our endeavors.
  27. Thanksgiving for Guidance
    • Thank You for guiding us through life’s journey. Your greatness is evident in Your direction, and Your goodness lights our path.
  28. Prayer for Joy
    • Lord, fill our hearts with joy. Your greatness is in the blessings You provide, and Your goodness brings us true happiness.
  29. Request for Peace in Conflict
    • We ask for Your peace in times of conflict. Your greatness can calm the storm, and Your goodness fosters reconciliation and understanding.
  30. Gratitude for Faith
    • Thank You for the gift of faith. Your greatness is in the assurance You provide, and Your goodness strengthens our belief.
  31. Prayer for Humility
    • Lord, help us to walk in humility. Your greatness is in Your exalted position, and Your goodness teaches us to serve others with grace.
  32. Intercession for the Sick
    • We pray for those who are sick, asking for Your great healing power and goodness to restore their health and spirits.
  33. Praise for His Presence
    • We praise You for Your constant presence. Your greatness is in Your nearness, and Your goodness provides comfort and companionship.
  34. Thanksgiving for Education
    • Thank You for the opportunity to learn and grow. Your greatness is seen in the wisdom You impart, and Your goodness guides our educational journey.
  35. Prayer for Understanding
    • Lord, grant us understanding. Your greatness is in Your infinite knowledge, and Your goodness reveals truth to us.
  36. Request for Compassion
    • We ask for Your compassion to fill our hearts. Your greatness is in Your boundless love, and Your goodness helps us to extend that love to others.
  37. Gratitude for Guidance in Trials
    • Thank You for guiding us through trials. Your greatness is in Your support, and Your goodness helps us to persevere with faith.
  38. Prayer for Generosity
    • Heavenly Father, inspire us to be generous. Your greatness is in Your abundant blessings, and Your goodness encourages us to share with others.
  39. Intercession for the Lost
    • We pray for those who are lost, asking for Your great mercy and goodness to lead them to salvation and hope.
  40. Praise for Forgiveness
    • We praise You for the forgiveness You offer. Your greatness is in Your ability to cleanse our hearts, and Your goodness gives us a fresh start.
  41. Thankfulness for Peace
    • Thank You for the peace that surpasses all understanding. Your greatness brings tranquility, and Your goodness fills our hearts with serenity.
  42. Prayer for Family Unity
    • Lord, bring unity to our families. Your greatness can mend divisions, and Your goodness fosters love and harmony among us.
  43. Request for Guidance in Decisions
    • We seek Your guidance in our decisions. Your greatness is in Your perfect wisdom, and Your goodness helps us to choose wisely.
  44. Gratitude for the Simple Joys
    • Thank You for the simple joys in life. Your greatness is in the small blessings we often overlook, and Your goodness makes each day special.
  45. Prayer for Strength in Adversity
    • Lord, provide us with strength in adversity. Your greatness is in Your sustaining power, and Your goodness gives us hope.
  46. Intercession for Our Nation
    • We pray for our nation, asking for Your great intervention and goodness to bring healing, justice, and unity.
  47. Praise for the Gift of Life
    • We praise You for the gift of life itself. Your greatness is seen in the creation of each person, and Your goodness fills our lives with purpose.
  48. Thankfulness for Spiritual Growth
    • Thank You for our spiritual growth. Your greatness is in the transformative work You do in our hearts, and Your goodness guides us towards maturity.
  49. Prayer for Financial Provision
    • Lord, provide for our financial needs. Your greatness ensures our prosperity, and Your goodness supplies our daily bread.
  50. Request for Hope
    • We ask for hope in challenging times. Your greatness is in Your promises, and Your goodness fills our hearts with assurance and optimism.

May these prayers reflect the profound truth that God is great, God is good and inspire you to deepen your faith and connection with the divine.

God is Good God is Great Food Prayer

Certainly! Here are 15 prayers focused on the theme “God is Good, God is Great” with a special emphasis on food and nourishment:

1. Thanksgiving for Daily Provision

  • Heavenly Father, we thank You for the abundance of food that nourishes our bodies. Your greatness provides for all our needs, and Your goodness ensures we are well-fed and cared for. Bless this meal we are about to enjoy and those who have prepared it.

2. Gratitude for Harvest

  • Lord God, we praise You for the bountiful harvest that brings us fresh fruits and vegetables. Your greatness is seen in the fertile lands and Your goodness in the nourishing produce. Thank You for the gift of sustenance and nourishment.

3. Prayer for Health

  • Almighty God, we ask for Your blessing on the food we eat. May it provide us with strength and health. Your greatness ensures our well-being, and Your goodness enriches our lives with wholesome, nourishing food.

4. Blessing for the Meal

  • Dear Lord, we ask for Your blessing on this meal. Your greatness ensures that we have enough, and Your goodness fills our hearts with gratitude. May this food bring us joy and health as we partake in it.

5. Thanksgiving for Abundance

  • Heavenly Father, we are grateful for the abundance You have provided. Your greatness is reflected in the plenty before us, and Your goodness is evident in every bite we take. Thank You for meeting our needs.

6. Prayer for Sharing

  • Lord, as we enjoy this meal, we pray for those who are hungry. Your greatness can meet all needs, and Your goodness compels us to share what we have. Help us to be generous and compassionate.

7. Blessing for Gatherings

  • God of Grace, we thank You for this time of fellowship around the table. Your greatness is seen in our togetherness, and Your goodness makes our meals enjoyable and fulfilling. Bless our conversations and strengthen our bonds.

8. Gratitude for Nutrition

  • Lord Almighty, we are thankful for the nutritional value of the food we eat. Your greatness provides for our physical needs, and Your goodness gives us health and vitality. May this food strengthen us for Your service.

9. Prayer for Safe Food Preparation

  • Heavenly Father, we ask for Your protection over the food we prepare. Your greatness ensures that it is safe and wholesome, and Your goodness blesses the hands that have prepared it. Keep us safe and healthy.

10. Thanksgiving for Variety

  • Lord God, we are grateful for the variety of flavors and textures You have provided. Your greatness is reflected in the diverse and delicious foods we enjoy, and Your goodness brings joy to our meals.

11. Prayer for Family Meals

  • Dear Lord, we thank You for the opportunity to share meals with our loved ones. Your greatness blesses our family gatherings, and Your goodness fills our hearts with love and gratitude. Bless this meal and our time together.

12. Blessing for Food Sources

  • Heavenly Father, we acknowledge the farmers, growers, and workers who bring food to our tables. Your greatness is in their hard work, and Your goodness supports them. Bless their efforts and the fruits of their labor.

13. Gratitude for Provision in Times of Need

  • Lord, in times of scarcity, You provide for us. Your greatness is evident in Your provision, and Your goodness meets our needs even when we are uncertain. Thank You for Your faithful care.

14. Prayer for Enjoyment of Meals

  • God of Abundance, we pray that we enjoy this meal with thanksgiving and joy. Your greatness has provided it, and Your goodness ensures that it brings satisfaction and pleasure. May we always eat with grateful hearts.

15. Blessing for Spiritual Nourishment

  • Heavenly Father, we thank You for the spiritual nourishment we receive from Your Word. Just as this meal sustains our bodies, Your greatness and goodness sustain our souls. May we find strength and guidance in Your presence.

These prayers celebrate the goodness and greatness of God in the context of food and nourishment, expressing gratitude and seeking blessings for our meals and those who provide for us.


In this sacred moment of prayer, we turn our hearts toward confession, acknowledging our human imperfections and the need for divine grace. Confession is a profound act of humility and repentance, recognizing our shortcomings and seeking the transformative power of God’s mercy. As we lay bare our faults before the Lord, let us open our hearts to His forgiveness and ask for the strength to overcome our weaknesses.

1. Admitting Human Shortcomings and Failures

  • Heavenly Father, we come before You acknowledging our human frailties and failures. We confess the times when we have fallen short of Your expectations and acted contrary to Your will. We recognize our imperfections and the ways in which we have failed to live up to the standards You set for us.

2. Seeking Forgiveness for Sins

  • Lord, we ask for Your forgiveness for the sins we have committed. We repent of our transgressions and seek Your cleansing grace. Wash away our guilt and renew our hearts, so we may be restored to a place of righteousness and peace with You.

3. Asking for Strength to Overcome Shortcomings

  • Almighty God, we pray for the strength to overcome our shortcomings. Grant us the courage to face our weaknesses and the resolve to make positive changes. Help us to rely on Your power to resist temptation and to live in a manner that reflects Your love and truth.

4. Reflecting on the Need for God’s Grace and Mercy

  • Dear Lord, we humbly reflect on our need for Your grace and mercy. We understand that without Your intervention, we cannot overcome our flaws on our own. Your grace is our only hope for transformation, and Your mercy is the foundation of our redemption. We surrender our imperfections to You, trusting in Your boundless love to make us whole.

Through this process of confession, we not only admit our shortcomings but also seek God’s forgiveness and strength. This humble approach opens the door to divine grace, allowing us to be transformed and empowered to live more fully in alignment with God’s will.


In our time of prayer, we now turn our hearts to petition, earnestly seeking God’s guidance, support, and blessings. Petition is a heartfelt request for divine intervention in our lives and the lives of those around us. It is an opportunity to lay our needs and desires before God, trusting in His wisdom and goodness to provide what is best for us and our loved ones.

1. Requesting Guidance and Wisdom for Personal Decisions

  • Heavenly Father, we come before You seeking Your guidance and wisdom in the decisions we face. Help us to discern Your will and make choices that honor You. Grant us clarity and understanding, so that our decisions align with Your plans and bring about the best outcomes for our lives.

2. Asking for Help in Times of Trouble and Challenges

  • Lord God, we ask for Your assistance in the times of trouble and challenges we encounter. Whether we are facing personal struggles, health issues, or other difficulties, we rely on Your strength and comfort to see us through. Be our refuge and deliverer, providing us with the support we need to overcome our trials.

3. Seeking Blessings for Family, Friends, and the Community

  • Dear Lord, we lift up our family, friends, and community to You. We ask for Your blessings upon them, that they may experience Your love, protection, and provision. Surround them with Your peace and grace, and guide them in their daily lives. May Your blessings enrich their lives and strengthen our bonds of relationship.

Through petition, we express our trust in God’s ability to guide, support, and bless us and those we care about. This act of seeking divine assistance acknowledges our reliance on God’s wisdom and benevolence, affirming our faith in His ability to provide for our needs and the needs of our loved ones.


In this sacred time of prayer, we turn our focus outward, lifting up the needs of others to the Lord. Intercession is an act of compassion and faith, where we stand in the gap for those who are suffering or in need. It is a powerful expression of our love for others and our trust in God’s ability to bring about change and healing. As we pray for those around us, both near and far, let us seek God’s intervention and support in their lives.

1. Praying for Others in Need, Both Locally and Globally

  • Heavenly Father, we bring before You the needs of those in our local community and around the world. We ask for Your blessings upon those who are struggling with poverty, hunger, and injustice. May Your presence be felt in their lives, bringing them hope, provision, and relief. We also pray for those in distant lands facing challenges and adversities, that Your grace may touch them and bring them comfort.

2. Asking for Healing, Comfort, and Support for Those Facing Difficulties

  • Lord God, we lift up those who are experiencing physical illness, emotional pain, or personal struggles. We ask for Your healing touch to restore their health and well-being. Provide them with comfort in their suffering and support in their trials. Surround them with Your love and strength, and guide them through their difficulties with Your peace and assurance.

3. Requesting God’s Intervention in Specific Situations or Global Issues

  • Almighty Father, we seek Your intervention in specific situations and global issues that weigh heavily on our hearts. We pray for peace in areas of conflict, justice in places of oppression, and reconciliation where there is division. We ask for Your guidance and wisdom for leaders and decision-makers. Intervene in the crises facing our world, bringing about Your will and establishing Your righteousness and mercy.

In intercession, we act as conduits of God’s love and power, standing on behalf of others and seeking divine intervention in their lives. By praying for healing, comfort, and support, we align ourselves with God’s heart for humanity, trusting in His ability to bring about positive change and uphold justice and peace.


In the sacred act of dedication, we offer ourselves wholly to God, acknowledging His sovereignty over our lives. Dedication is a commitment to align our actions, thoughts, and desires with God’s will, embracing our role as vessels of His love and grace. It is an expression of our willingness to serve Him and reflect His character in all aspects of our lives. As we dedicate ourselves to God, we seek His guidance and strength to live out His purposes with sincerity and devotion.

1. Offering Oneself to God’s Service

  • Heavenly Father, we come before You with hearts open to Your service. We dedicate ourselves to fulfilling Your will and purposes. Use us as instruments of Your work, whether in small acts of kindness or in significant missions. May our lives be a reflection of Your love and our actions a testimony to Your grace. We offer our time, talents, and resources for Your service, trusting in Your guidance and provision.

2. Committing to Living in Accordance with God’s Will

  • Lord God, we commit ourselves to living in accordance with Your will. Help us to seek Your guidance in every decision we make and to follow Your commandments with obedience and sincerity. Strengthen our resolve to live according to Your Word and to embody the values You have set before us. May our lives be a living testament to Your truth and a reflection of Your holiness.

3. Expressing a Desire to be a Vessel of God’s Love and Grace

  • Almighty Father, we express our deep desire to be vessels of Your love and grace. Fill us with Your Spirit and empower us to extend Your compassion and mercy to others. Let our interactions and relationships be infused with Your grace, and may our lives radiate the love of Christ to everyone we encounter. We ask for Your strength to be a beacon of hope and an example of Your transformative power in the world.

Dedication is a profound commitment to align ourselves with God’s purposes, offering our lives for His service. By dedicating ourselves to live in accordance with His will and to be vessels of His love and grace, we invite His influence into every aspect of our lives. This act of devotion reflects our desire to honor God and fulfill His calling in our lives.


In conclusion, the “God Is Great, God Is Good” prayer encapsulates a profound expression of gratitude and reverence towards God for His immeasurable greatness and boundless goodness. It serves as a heartfelt acknowledgment of His sovereign provision and benevolence, recognizing that every blessing and sustenance we receive is a testament to His divine care. By offering thanks and seeking His continued favor, we align ourselves with a posture of humility and appreciation, recognizing that our daily needs and the abundance we enjoy are all gifts from a loving and omnipotent Creator. We hope you guys liked God Is Great, God Is Good Prayer.

As we conclude this prayer, let us carry forward the spirit of thankfulness and trust in our hearts. May we be ever mindful of God’s greatness in the midst of our daily lives and be inspired to reflect His goodness through our actions and interactions with others. With a heart full of gratitude, we commit to recognizing and celebrating the divine providence in all things, knowing that through God’s greatness and goodness, we find both our sustenance and our purpose.

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