100+ Prayer For Children [Protection, School]

In the nurturing embrace of Christian homes, the practice of Prayer For Children emerges as a profound expression of faith, love, and a timeless tradition deeply rooted in Christianity. The words “prayer for children” echo through the halls of these households, where parents, guardians, and caregivers join together in heartfelt supplication, seeking divine guidance, protection, and blessings for the little hearts under their care. As we embark on an exploration of the significance of prayer for children, we delve into the heart of Christian parenting, where this sacred practice becomes a cornerstone in shaping the spiritual foundation of the next generation.

In the Christian belief system, prayer for children is more than a bedtime routine or a fleeting petition; it is a deliberate act of entrusting the precious lives of the youngest members to the loving hands of God. This article unfolds the profound impact of such prayers, examining how they contribute to the spiritual growth, resilience, and well-being of children. Join us on this journey into the heart of Christian homes, where the simple act of lifting up prayers for children becomes a transformative force, weaving a protective and nurturing shield around their lives, and fostering a connection with the divine that guides them on their journey of faith.

Prayer For Children

In Christian belief, the Prayer for Children is a sincere plea, creating a spiritual link between families and God. Rooted in Christianity, this tradition becomes a sacred bond, where parents and caregivers pray for divine guidance, protection, and blessings on their children’s spiritual journey.

Prayer For Children

  • Lord, watch over our children as they sleep, surround them with your angels, and fill their dreams with your love.

  • Heavenly Father, grant our children the wisdom to make choices that align with your will and bring glory to your name.

  • Jesus, be a constant companion to our children, guiding their steps and leading them on the path of righteousness.

  • Lord, bless our children with good health, both in body and in spirit. May they grow strong and resilient under your loving care.

  • Holy Spirit, ignite a passion for your Word in the hearts of our children, that they may find joy and purpose in your teachings.

  • Father, instill kindness and compassion in the hearts of our children, that they may reflect your love in their actions and interactions.

    Also, Check: 150+ Best Bible Verse About Children

  • Jesus, let our children experience your grace and forgiveness, teaching them the importance of extending the same to others.

  • Lord, protect our children from the snares of the world, shielding them from harm and guiding them through life’s challenges.

  • Heavenly Father, surround our children with godly friends who will uplift and encourage them on their faith journey.

    Have a look at: 100+ Bible Verses For Kids

  • Jesus, may our children grow in humility, understanding that true greatness lies in serving others and glorifying you.

  • Lord, grant our children the courage to stand firm in their faith, even in the face of adversity or peer pressure.

  • Holy Spirit, fill our children with joy and laughter, creating a spirit of happiness that radiates your presence.

    Also: Short Bible Verses For Kids

  • Father, help our children develop a heart of gratitude, recognizing your blessings and expressing thankfulness in all circumstances.

  • Jesus, let our children find comfort in times of sorrow, knowing that you are the ultimate source of healing and peace.

  • Lord, bless our children with discernment, that they may navigate the complexities of life with wisdom and grace.

  • Heavenly Father, teach our children the value of forgiveness, enabling them to release resentment and embrace your mercy.

  • Jesus, be a lamp unto their feet, illuminating their paths and guiding them through life’s uncertainties.

  • Holy Spirit, cultivate a spirit of generosity in our children, that they may share their blessings with those in need.

  • Lord, guard our children’s hearts against the temptations of the world, helping them walk in purity and righteousness.

  • Heavenly Father, instill a love for worship and prayer in our children, fostering a deep connection with you from an early age.

  • Jesus, let our children know that they are fearfully and wonderfully made, crafted in your image for a unique purpose.

  • Lord, surround our children with godly mentors and teachers who will nurture their spiritual growth.

  • Holy Spirit, fill our children’s minds with knowledge and wisdom, helping them excel in their studies and pursuits.

  • Father, grant our children resilience in the face of challenges, knowing that your strength is made perfect in weakness.

  • Jesus, may our children find joy in serving others, recognizing that true greatness lies in selfless love.

  • Lord, protect our children’s minds from negative influences and guard their hearts against harmful ideologies.

  • Heavenly Father, grant our children a heart for missions, that they may carry your love to the ends of the earth.

  • Holy Spirit, inspire creativity in our children, that they may use their talents to glorify you and bless others.

  • Jesus, let our children experience the depth of your love, shaping their identity in the knowledge that they are cherished by you.

  • Lord, surround our children with a spirit of unity, fostering strong bonds of love and support within our family.

  • Heavenly Father, teach our children the importance of humility, that they may walk in meekness before you and others.

  • Jesus, be a source of comfort to our children in times of fear or uncertainty, wrapping them in the warmth of your love.

  • Lord, bless our children with discernment, that they may choose friends and influences that align with your truth.

  • Holy Spirit, cultivate a heart of gratitude in our children, that they may appreciate the beauty of your creation and the blessings in their lives.

  • Jesus, let our children be a light in their schools and communities, shining with the love and joy that comes from knowing you.

  • Lord, guide our children in making decisions that honor you, seeking your will in all areas of their lives.

  • Heavenly Father, protect our children from the pressures of conforming to worldly standards, and help them embrace their identity in Christ.

  • Jesus, instill in our children a passion for justice and mercy, that they may stand up for righteousness in their generation.

  • Lord, grant our children a spirit of perseverance, that they may press on in faith even when faced with challenges.

  • Holy Spirit, be a source of inspiration to our children’s dreams and aspirations, guiding them in the path you have set for them.

  • Father, surround our children with a spirit of gratitude, that they may appreciate the sacrifices of those who came before them and honor their legacy.

  • Jesus, let our children’s hearts be filled with love for their siblings, fostering a bond that reflects the unity of your family.

  • Lord, guard our children against the lure of materialism, helping them find contentment in your love rather than worldly possessions.

  • Holy Spirit, grant our children the strength to resist peer pressure, standing firm in their convictions and faith.

  • Jesus, let our children be instruments of your peace, bringing reconciliation and love wherever they go.

  • Lord, teach our children the value of honesty and integrity, that they may be beacons of truth in a world often clouded by deceit.

  • Heavenly Father, guide our children in using their talents to glorify you, whether in academics, sports, arts, or any other endeavor.

  • Jesus, grant our children the ability to forgive quickly, that they may experience the freedom that comes from letting go of resentment.

  • Lord, surround our children with godly role models, that they may learn from those who walk closely with you.

  • Holy Spirit, plant the seeds of faith in our children’s hearts, that they may grow into mighty oaks of righteousness in your kingdom.

These prayers are offered with the intention of covering various aspects of a child’s life, seeking God’s guidance, protection, and blessings. Parents and caregivers can adapt and personalize these prayers to suit the unique needs and circumstances of the children under their care.

Prayer For My Children

In the realm of Christian devotion, the “Prayer for My Children” serves as a heartfelt plea, weaving the hopes, dreams, and aspirations of parents into a sacred conversation with the Divine. Rooted in the core tenets of Christianity, this prayer becomes a beacon of guidance, protection, and love, fostering a spiritual connection that transcends the challenges of parenting in the light of faith.

Prayer For My Children



  • Prayer for Protection: Heavenly Father, I pray for your protective hand to cover my children, shielding them from harm and guiding them safely through each day.

  • Prayer for Wisdom: Lord, grant my children the wisdom to make sound decisions, rooted in your teachings, as they navigate the challenges of life.

  • Prayer for Faith: Gracious God, may the seed of faith take root in the hearts of my children, leading them to a lifelong journey of knowing and loving You.

  • Prayer for Compassion: Merciful Savior, instill in my children a compassionate heart, that they may show kindness and empathy to others as a reflection of your love.

  • Prayer for Joy: God of Joy, fill the hearts of my children with laughter, happiness, and the joy that comes from knowing You.

  • Prayer for Obedience: Loving Father, help my children to obey your commandments and follow your ways, that they may experience the blessings of a righteous life.

  • Prayer for Gratitude: Lord, cultivate a spirit of gratitude within my children, that they may appreciate the blessings around them and acknowledge your goodness.

  • Prayer for Academic Success: Heavenly Teacher, guide my children’s minds as they learn, granting them understanding, focus, and a love for acquiring knowledge.

  • Prayer for Health: Divine Healer, I pray for the health and well-being of my children, asking for your healing touch to rest upon them.

  • Prayer for Friendships: Lord of Friendship, bless my children with genuine, uplifting friendships that encourage growth, kindness, and shared faith.

  • Prayer for Discernment: Wise God, grant my children discernment to distinguish between right and wrong, making choices that align with your will.

  • Prayer for Courage: Almighty God, infuse my children with courage in the face of challenges, knowing that with You, they are strong and resilient.

  • Prayer for Humility: Humble Savior, teach my children the beauty of humility, guiding them to serve others with grace and love.

  • Prayer for Patience: Patient God, help my children develop patience in times of waiting and endurance in times of difficulty.

  • Prayer for Salvation: Gracious Redeemer, I pray for the salvation of my children, that they may come to know your saving grace and experience eternal life with You.

May these prayers serve as a source of comfort and inspiration as you lift up your children in prayer, entrusting them to the loving care of our Heavenly Father.

Prayer For My Children Protection

“Prayer for My Children’s Protection” stands as a heartfelt plea for divine safeguarding, weaving a spiritual shield around the cherished lives of our little ones. Rooted in the core tenets of Christianity, this prayer becomes a beacon of trust, seeking God’s watchful care and guidance to shield our children from life’s uncertainties.

  • Prayer for Guardian Angels: Heavenly Father, I pray that You assign Your guardian angels to watch over my children, protecting them from harm and guiding them safely through each day.

  • Prayer for Safe Journeys: Lord, I entrust my children’s journeys into Your hands. Guard them on their way to school, play, and every place they go, shielding them from accidents and dangers.

  • Prayer for Emotional Protection: Gracious God, protect my children emotionally, shielding their hearts from negativity, fostering resilience, and filling their souls with Your peace.

  • Prayer for Physical Safety: Almighty Protector, guard my children’s physical well-being. Keep them safe from accidents, illnesses, and any harm that may come their way.

  • Prayer for Safe Friendships: Loving Father, guide my children to form friendships that reflect Your love and values. Protect them from negative influences, and may their friends be a source of joy and encouragement.

  • Prayer Against Fear: God of Comfort, banish fear from my children’s hearts. Grant them courage and confidence as they navigate life, knowing that You are their steadfast protector.

  • Prayer for Discernment: Wise God, grant my children discernment to make wise choices. Protect them from harmful decisions and lead them towards paths that align with Your will.

  • Prayer for Protection from Evil: Heavenly Defender, shield my children from the influence of evil. May Your light dispel darkness, and may Your presence be a protective shield around them.

  • Prayer for Online Safety: Technological Guardian, protect my children in their online activities. Shield them from harmful content and guide them to use technology wisely and safely.

  • Prayer for Sleep Protection: God of Rest, watch over my children as they sleep. Guard their dreams, provide peaceful rest, and surround them with Your comforting presence.

  • Prayer for Protection at School: Lord of Learning, protect my children at school. Keep them safe from harm, help them to make good choices, and bless their educational journey.

  • Prayer for Protection in Play: Father of Joy, protect my children during playtime. Guard them from accidents, injuries, and any harm that may come their way as they enjoy childhood adventures.

  • Prayer for Protection from Illness: Divine Healer, guard my children from illnesses. Strengthen their immune systems, and may Your healing touch be upon them, keeping them in good health.

  • Prayer for Protection from Anxiety: Prince of Peace, shield my children from anxiety and stress. Grant them a calm spirit, and may Your peace that surpasses all understanding guard their hearts and minds.

  • Prayer for Protection in Faith: Faithful God, protect my children’s faith. Guard them against doubt, strengthen their belief in You, and guide them on a path of spiritual growth and understanding.

These prayers are crafted with the intention of seeking God’s protection and guidance for children, recognizing the importance of spiritual covering in their lives. Believers can adapt these prayers to suit their individual circumstances and personalize them as needed.

Prayer For Our Child

  • Prayer for Guardian Angels: Heavenly Father, we pray for the watchful eyes of guardian angels to surround our children, guiding and protecting them from harm.

  • Prayer for God’s Shield: Almighty God, we ask for Your protective shield to cover our children, keeping them safe from physical and spiritual dangers.

  • Prayer for a Hedge of Protection: Gracious Lord, build a hedge of protection around our children, safeguarding them from the perils of the world.

  • Prayer for Divine Presence: Loving Father, may Your divine presence be a constant companion to our children, offering comfort, guidance, and protection.

  • Prayer for Safe Journeys: Merciful Savior, grant our children safe journeys, whether they walk the paths of life or venture into new territories.

  • Prayer for Discernment: Wise God, bestow upon our children the gift of discernment, helping them make wise choices and avoid the snares of the enemy.

  • Prayer for Emotional Protection: Compassionate Lord, shield our children emotionally, guarding their hearts from hurt and providing them with resilience.

  • Prayer for Spiritual Armor: Heavenly Captain, clothe our children in the spiritual armor of faith, righteousness, and salvation for their protection.

  • Prayer for Safe Friendships: God of Friendship, guide our children to form bonds with companions who uplift and encourage them, fostering safe and positive friendships.

  • Prayer for Protection at School: Wise Teacher, watch over our children at school, protecting them from harm and creating an environment conducive to learning and growth.

  • Prayer for Online Safety: Guardian of Technology, keep our children safe in the digital realm, guarding them against harmful influences and dangers on the internet.

  • Prayer for Health and Wellness: Divine Healer, preserve the health and wellness of our children, shielding them from illnesses and providing strength in times of weakness.

  • Prayer for Protection from Fear: Comforting Lord, dispel any fears that may haunt our children, replacing anxiety with Your peace that surpasses all understanding.

  • Prayer for Protection during Sleep: Guardian of the Night, stand watch over our children as they sleep, ensuring peaceful rest and protection from any disturbances.

  • Prayer for Future Protection: Sovereign God, we entrust the future of our children into Your hands, praying for ongoing protection, guidance, and a flourishing life anchored in Your love.

These prayers seek divine protection for children in various aspects of their lives, emphasizing the Christian belief in God’s watchful care over the young and vulnerable. Believers can adapt these prayers based on specific circumstances and intentions.

Prayer For Adult Children

Rooted in the principles of Christianity, this prayer extends a parental or caregiving touch to adult children, acknowledging the enduring bond and seeking God’s continued grace as they navigate the complexities of adulthood.

  • Prayer for Guidance: Heavenly Father, guide our adult children in the paths of righteousness, and may they seek Your wisdom in all decisions.

  • Prayer for Protection: Lord, surround our adult children with Your protective presence, guarding them from harm and steering them away from temptation.

  • Prayer for Faith: Faithful God, strengthen the faith of our adult children, anchoring them in Your truth and grace as they navigate life’s challenges.

  • Prayer for Purpose: Almighty Creator, reveal Your purpose for our adult children, guiding them toward fulfilling lives that align with Your divine plan.

  • Prayer for Relationships: Merciful Lord, bless the relationships of our adult children, fostering love, understanding, and unity in their interactions with others.

  • Prayer for Health: Divine Healer, grant our adult children physical, emotional, and spiritual health, that they may experience wholeness in every aspect of their lives.

  • Prayer for Career: Provider God, lead our adult children in their careers, helping them find fulfillment and success in endeavors that honor Your will.

  • Prayer for Financial Wisdom: Gracious Lord, grant our adult children discernment and wisdom in managing their finances, and may they be good stewards of the resources You provide.

  • Prayer for Marriage: God of Love, if it be Your will, bless our adult children with marriages founded on Your principles, filled with love, respect, and commitment.

  • Prayer for Parenting: Heavenly Father, equip our adult children with the wisdom and patience needed for the responsibilities of parenting, if it aligns with Your plan.

  • Prayer for Emotional Healing: Comforting God, bring healing to any emotional wounds our adult children may carry, granting them peace and restoration.

  • Prayer for Gratitude: Lord of Blessings, cultivate gratitude in the hearts of our adult children, that they may appreciate Your gifts and acknowledge Your presence in their lives.

  • Prayer for Discernment: Wise God, grant our adult children discernment in making choices aligned with Your will, and may they seek Your guidance in all aspects of life.

  • Prayer for Boundaries: Sovereign Lord, help our adult children establish healthy boundaries in relationships and endeavors, guarding their hearts and preserving their well-being.

  • Prayer for Joy: God of Joy, fill the lives of our adult children with genuine joy and contentment, irrespective of circumstances, as they find their ultimate source of happiness in You.

  • These prayers can be adapted and personalized to suit individual circumstances and intentions for adult children within the Christian faith.

Praying The Scriptures For Your Adult Children

Certainly, here are some prayers inspired by Scripture for the well-being and spiritual growth of adult children, rooted in the Christian faith:

  • Guidance Prayer (Proverbs 3:5-6): Heavenly Father, I entrust my adult children into Your hands. May they trust in You with all their hearts and lean not on their own understanding; guide them in all their ways.

  • Strength in Challenges (Philippians 4:13): Lord, grant my adult children the strength to face challenges through Christ who strengthens them. May they find confidence in Your empowering grace.

  • Peace in Decision-Making (Isaiah 26:3): Prince of Peace, surround my adult children with Your perfect peace as they navigate life’s decisions. Keep their minds steadfast on You.

  • Wisdom Prayer (James 1:5): Gracious God, bestow wisdom upon my adult children. If they lack understanding, let them seek it from You, the generous giver of wisdom.

  • Protection from Harm (Psalm 91:11-12): Almighty Protector, command Your angels to guard my adult children in all their ways, shielding them from harm and danger.

  • Hope in Difficult Times (Romans 15:13): God of hope, fill my adult children with joy and peace as they trust in You. May the power of the Holy Spirit overflow in hope.

  • Faith to Move Mountains (Matthew 17:20): Lord, cultivate in my adult children a mustard seed of faith that can move mountains. Strengthen their belief in Your limitless power.

  • Fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22-23): Holy Spirit, let love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control flourish in the lives of my adult children.

  • Contentment Prayer (Philippians 4:11-12): God of Contentment, teach my adult children to find contentment in every circumstance, knowing that their strength comes from You.

  • Healthy Relationships (1 Corinthians 13:4-7): Lord, instill the qualities of love described in Corinthians in the relationships of my adult children. May their interactions reflect Your selfless love.

  • Purpose and Calling (Jeremiah 29:11): Heavenly Father, reveal the plans You have for my adult children, plans to prosper and not to harm, plans for a hope and a future.

  • Courage in Faith (Joshua 1:9): Fearless God, embolden my adult children to be strong and courageous, not to be frightened or dismayed, for You are with them wherever they go.

  • Gratitude Prayer (1 Thessalonians 5:18): God of Thanks, cultivate a heart of gratitude in my adult children. May they give thanks in all circumstances, for this is Your will for them.

  • Protection from Evil (Psalm 121:7-8): Eternal Guardian, preserve my adult children from all evil. Watch over their coming and going, now and forevermore.

  • Growing in Knowledge (Colossians 1:10): Lord, may my adult children walk in a manner worthy of You, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God.

These prayers draw inspiration from the Bible, reflecting the desires for the spiritual well-being, protection, and growth of adult children within the context of Christian faith. Believers may adapt these prayers to suit their personal intentions and the unique needs of their adult children.

Parents Prayer For Children

  • Prayer for Protection: Heavenly Father, surround our children with Your protective love. Guard them from harm, both seen and unseen, and guide their steps in the path of righteousness.

  • Prayer for Wisdom: God of all wisdom, grant our children discernment and understanding. May they seek Your guidance in every decision and grow in wisdom beyond their years.

  • Prayer for Faith: Loving Savior, instill a deep and unwavering faith in the hearts of our children. May they trust in You and experience the richness of a personal relationship with Jesus.

  • Prayer for Obedience: Lord, grant our children the strength to obey Your commandments. May they heed our guidance as parents and submit willingly to Your divine authority.

  • Prayer for Compassion: Merciful God, cultivate a compassionate heart within our children. May they show kindness and empathy toward others, reflecting Your love in their actions.

  • Prayer for Joy: God of joy, fill the hearts of our children with genuine happiness. May they find delight in Your creation, appreciate the simple joys of life, and share laughter with others.

  • Prayer for Gratitude: Gracious Father, teach our children the value of gratitude. May they recognize Your blessings in their lives and express thankfulness for Your grace and provision.

  • Prayer for Patience: Patient God, bestow upon our children the virtue of patience. In moments of challenge, may they remain steadfast, trusting in Your perfect timing.

  • Prayer for Courage: Almighty God, infuse our children with courage to face life’s challenges. May they draw strength from You, knowing that You are their refuge and fortress.

  • Prayer for Humility: Humble Lord, help our children cultivate humility. May they recognize their dependence on You, acknowledging Your sovereignty in their lives.

  • Prayer for Friendship: God of companionship, bless our children with true and loyal friendships. May they surround themselves with peers who uplift and share in their journey of faith.

  • Prayer for Academic Success: Wise Teacher, guide our children in their academic pursuits. May they excel in their studies, using their knowledge for the greater good and Your glory.

  • Prayer for Health: Divine Healer, protect the health of our children. Shield them from illnesses, and grant them strength and vitality to pursue their passions.

  • Prayer for Discernment: Discerning God, grant our children the ability to discern between right and wrong. May they navigate a world filled with challenges with moral clarity and integrity.

  • Prayer for Future Calling: Sovereign Lord, reveal Your plan for our children’s lives. May they discover and embrace the unique calling You have placed on each of them, contributing to Your kingdom.

These prayers for children reflect the hopes and aspirations of Christian parents, seeking God’s guidance and blessings for their beloved sons and daughters. Believers can personalize these prayers based on the unique needs and circumstances of their children.

Prayer For School Children

  • Prayer for Protection: Heavenly Father, surround our school children with Your protective embrace, shielding them from harm and guiding them safely through each day.

  • Prayer for Wisdom: Lord of Wisdom, grant our school children discernment and understanding, that they may navigate the challenges of learning with clarity and insight.

  • Prayer for Guidance: Divine Guide, lead our school children in the paths of righteousness, directing their steps as they navigate the educational journey before them.

  • Prayer for Concentration: Gracious God, help our school children focus their minds, allowing them to absorb knowledge and excel in their studies with diligence.

  • Prayer for Friendship: Merciful Lord, bless our school children with friendships that are supportive, encouraging, and uplifting, fostering a positive and nurturing environment.

  • Prayer for Teachers: Loving Father, grant wisdom and patience to the teachers who guide our children, that they may be effective mentors and positive influences.

  • Prayer for Courage: Almighty God, instill courage in our school children to face challenges with resilience, knowing that You are with them every step of the way.

  • Prayer for Joy in Learning: God of Joy, infuse our school children with a love for learning, making education a joyful and fulfilling experience for them.

  • Prayer for Kindness: Compassionate Creator, cultivate kindness in the hearts of our school children, fostering an atmosphere of respect and empathy within the school community.

  • Prayer for Perseverance: Lord of Perseverance, grant our school children the strength to persevere in their studies, even in the face of difficulties, knowing that they can overcome with Your help.

  • Prayer for Patience: Patient God, teach our school children the virtue of patience, both with themselves and others, as they navigate the learning process.

  • Prayer for Gratitude: Gracious Provider, instill gratitude in the hearts of our school children for the opportunity to learn and grow, appreciating the gift of education.

  • Prayer for Integrity: Holy Father, mold the character of our school children with integrity and honesty, shaping them into individuals who uphold moral values in all aspects of life.

  • Prayer for Healthy Relationships: God of Love, guide our school children in building healthy relationships, cultivating compassion, and treating others with kindness and understanding.

  • Prayer for Future Endeavors: Sovereign Lord, bless our school children’s future endeavors, preparing them for a purposeful and impactful journey as they step into the wider world beyond their educational years.

These prayers are intended to cover various aspects of a school child’s life, seeking God’s guidance, protection, and blessings as they navigate the educational environment. Believers may adapt these prayers based on their individual circumstances and intentions.



In the tapestry of Christian parenting, the Prayer for Children emerges as a timeless and transformative practice, weaving threads of faith, hope, and divine guidance into the very fabric of family life. As we conclude our exploration into the significance of these prayers, it becomes evident that entrusting the hearts of our children to God through prayer is not merely a ritual but a profound act of surrender and faith. Rooted in the teachings of Christ, these prayers reflect a foundational belief in the nurturing care of a loving Creator, shaping the spiritual journey of the youngest members of our Christian households.

The Prayer for Children extends beyond the walls of our homes and into the realms of their education, friendships, and future endeavors. It is a continuous conversation with the Almighty, seeking His wisdom, protection, and blessings as our children navigate the complexities of life. Through these prayers, Christian families affirm their reliance on God’s providence and His active role in the lives of their little ones. As parents, guardians, and caregivers lift their children in prayer, they participate in a sacred act that echoes through generations, creating a legacy of faith, resilience, and the unwavering belief that, through the grace of God, the path of each child is guided with love and purpose.

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